School Lunch
Our Lady of Victory School participates in the National Lunch Program. Lunch is $2.20 per student and $5.00 for adults and includes milk. For students bringing a cold lunch, milk is available for $0.35 a carton (1/2 pint). To qualify for free/reduced meals, please fill out the confidential application and return to the school office as soon as possible. Students who qualify for reduced-price meals will receive free breakfast and lunch.
Our Lady of Victory School offers a hot breakfast each morning from 8:00-8:25 am. Students in grades 3-6 have the option of our Grab and Go breakfast to eat in their classroom.
Breakfast is $1.10 per student and $2.50 for adults. All Kindergarten students qualify for FREE breakfast, provided by MN Child Nutrition Program.
Assorted cereals, toast, fruit, and fruit juices are served daily.
January Breakfast Menu
Monday: Bagels with Cream Cheese
Tuesday: Breakfast Bowls: Scrambled Eggs; Cheese, & Sausage
Wednesday: Pancakes
Thursday: Donuts
Friday: Cinnamon Rolls